Was digging through an old hard drive, found a few old drawings. This was originally done in pencil, in a sketch book. No inks, just digital colors. #polaris #lornadane #x-Factor #xfactor #x-mean #xmen
I had never been more crushed than when this book was cancelled. Peter David hadn’t written Quicksilver since I was a kid. You pair him with Gambit, and two of my favorite New Mutants: Doug ‘Cypher’ Ramsey and Warlock. It was incredible. PAD hasn’t been paired with an artist of A-list caliber since he worked with Dale Keown on The Incredible Hulk. I pushed this book so hard when it was around. But alas, it was canned. I didn’t think sales were that bad, but whatever “universe shaking” cross-over event was happening at the time moved the landscape beyond what this book was trying to do. Sales weren’t strong enough for it to survive that, and Marvel opted to take it’s chances with a newer concept.