Inktober | day nine

With a prompt like “sun”, you knew that Krypton’s last son was the first thing that came to mind. I was not happy with this drawing at all; I pushed through the pencils, opting not to fix any of the mistakes, as it was “good enough”. And then when it came to inking, I pushed through those quickly, as well. I am finding that I am spending too long on each of these- I should be pumping out at least two a day. Instead, I’m spending more than one day on single drawings.

As an example of a mistake: I drew the picture with the intention of having a giant sun lighting Superman from bottom left corner. I messed up and accidentally put shadow too far to the left, meaning that I now needed to move the sun to the right hand corner, making it necessary to shrink it as well. It’s not fair to call that light a “sun” anymore, so now it’s just a giant light that he’s flying over.

Once I fixed a lot of things in the inks, I’m happier with the results. This is one of the few drawings that I’ve done for this project that I want to add color to. So expect to see this one return. Also, my wife suggested that I add stars via Procreate, and I like how they came out. I am also proud of the “S”, as I drew it and inked it completely freehand (no tools or rulers used).

Superman is hoovering in the air in front of a backdrop of stars across the night sky. Below him is a bright light, that lights him from below.
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