Inktober | day five

 I don’t know if I’m catching up, but at least I’m posting daily. For this prompt, “binoculars”, I chose to work on one of my weaknesses: consistency across the same character in different drawings. It’s an essential piece of being a comic artist or cartoonist when using “Sequential Art”, as Will Eisner named it. So I used the prompt to practice it. The wink is my blatant acknowledgement that I’m weak at it.

A cartoon owl perched on a branch is drawn as if seen through both lens of a pair or binoculars. The owl looks the same through each lens, with the exception that owl seen through the right lens is winking.

Inktober | day four

I really didn’t feel up to drawing today, but I pushed myself. I’m four drawing behind now, and I took too long to do this. I should have sketched out something quicker. This was my second drawing using the iPad to ink. It still feels like cheating to me.

I also chose the wrong ink style for the drawing I was trying to do. Maybe because I was lazy, and looking to do something quick? I did slick, 90’s comic book style hatching when I should have done something more textured and nuanced to capture the creature I was trying to illustrate. I’m playing around with designs for a fungus-type creature for one of my stories: not exactly something you define with slick lines. Whatever. It’s done, and that’s all that I care about.

Oh, and the prompt was “exotic”. I figure that a fungus person is exotic enough by my own definition.

A creepy looking mushroom character is depicted heavily in shadows.

Inktober | day three

I’m working on catching up. Over the weekend, I worked with my best friend and partner in crime on our superhero comic book. In that work session, I finalized the design of one of the important early characters: The Recluse. To finish of the drawing session, I did a fast ink drawing to share as my Day 3 drawing.

The inspiration was “boots”. Since we were working on costume designs, and superheros tend to wear boots, I thought this fit well with the prompt.

I was working with a brand new brush, and I didn’t quite have the feel for it yet. It kept behaving in ways that I was expecting. This is also the first time in over a year that I’ve inked with a brush. Despite all that, I’m not disappointed with how it came out.

A drawing of a comic book character swinging from a steel cable.

Inktober | day two

I’ll add a better scan as soon as I can get to the one at work (I’m working on getting one for the house at the moment. The prompt was “discovery, and I came up with the idea for it while walking the dog this morning. She was doing her usual sniffing, and I realized that it was just enough discovery to give me an idea for a quick drawing in ballpoint pen. Still ink.

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