Biggest barrier to completion

When a drawing is coming out well, I’m afraid to finish it because I don’t want to ruin it.

I either start at the drawing forever, taking forever to make the next β€œmove”, or I’ll stop working on it and instead pick a new project to work in that I care less about. Then, if the new project starts coming out well, I’ll stop that one too.

Professor Xavier; I did the pencils 7 years ago.

Case in point, both of these just started out as jank practice drawing. The drawing of zorofessor X was original a sketch I did 7 years ago that I didn’t like. I decided to ink it for practice after I paused coloring this sketch of three of my Angels & Alchemy characters. πŸ˜’

Halted Tomorrow, Boom Whisper, and Ghost Nimbus

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